This department builds the actual robot from the members' original design. They learn practical machining and assembly skills as well as the power and prototyping.
Responsible for the “nerves” of the robot, the members of this department learn everything from fitting a fuse to how to avoid interference in a signal.

Known as our wood wizards this department build field elements for practice, help build prototype models and assist in pit construction.
This department provide all the instructions necessary for the robot to run as intended. Excellent communication with the drive team is a must.

This department uses OnShape to plan out our robot in advance avoiding problems between different subsystems. They are also able to print out a variety of parts for us using our Bambu 3D printer.
The drive team is the operational aspect and end customer for all the other departments. These select individuals are chosen to drive the robot during the competition.

This department is responsible for some of the motion of the robot manipulators. They learn a lot about precision and reliability.
This department provide all the instructions necessary for the robot to run as intended. Excellent communication with the drive team is a must.

This department is dedicated to the overall operation of the team. Everything from basic team administration, social events, fundraising, shirt design, sales and presentations is handled here.
Our film crew is dedicated to providing short films of all aspects of the team, but focusing on the most important aspect of all - the people involved.